About Your Doula

I am a wife, mother, and lifelong learner with a passion for moms and babies and a drive to help others. My background in education and childcare deepened my natural interest in babies, and becoming a mother myself strengthened my motivation to focus on supporting families through the challenging, transformative and magical newborn period. This drive, along with inspiration from my own doula and other strong mothers in my community, led me to doula work. Along the way, I also became a newborn care specialist and La Leche League leader.

I enjoy learning all I can about the mother-baby realm, and it thrills me to know there is always more to discover. With the heart of a teacher, I provide evidence-based care and recommendations while honoring the parents’ intuition and desires. No two families are exactly the same, and as your doula, I will meet you where you are and adapt to your individual needs. The postpartum period is a vulnerable and transformative time in a person’s life, and I am always in awe of the magic that happens there. It is my great honor to be part of your sacred circle of support.

The word sacred refers to something deserving veneration. Nothing more aptly describes pregnancy and the postpartum period. A new life is brought into the world and a new family is formed, regardless of how many members there are. It is a vulnerable time for the parent, child, and family as a whole. That time should be protected and honored, with space made for the growth that occurs. This is where your circle comes in. Many cultures around the world celebrate and ritualize this period as a time where the community comes together in support of this new family. In our society, that practice is no longer the default as many people are further from their families and much of pregnancy and the postpartum periods are extremely medicalized. As your Doula, I act as a pillar in your sacred circle and aim to honor you, your child, and your experience in the ways that are important to you.